Rock Drilon’s art that painted itself

The Mamusa Art Bistro has put on show the works of Ilonggo artist Rock Drilon in…

An Enlightened Noel Elicana in Táyhop

The Hulot Gallery at the ground floor of the Iloilo Museum of Contemporary Art (ILOMOCA) features…

[UPCOMING] As You Start to Paint, the Painting Paints Itself

The Mamusa Art Gallery has announced a change of exhibit. It is entitled: “As You Start…

[CALL for Abstracts, Exhibitions] KAAGI Tracing Visayan Identities in Cultural Texts

The Call for Abstracts and exhibitions to KAAGI Tracing Visayan Identities in Cultural Texts is for…

ISAF 2020 logo epitomizes Iloilo as an arts and cultural hub

The winning entry in the logo competition for the first ever Iloilo Summer Arts Festival has…

[TODAY] Granja & Laporga Back-to-Back exhibit at Museo Iloilo

To be unveiled today are the works of recognized Ilonggo artists Ronnie Granja and Jeline Laporga…

[Last Call] Year-End Exhibit of Hubon Ilonggo

Hubon Ilonggo and Cinematheque Centre Iloilo has issued a LAST CALL for entries to the year-end…

[Happening Today] Late NA for Literature Ramon L. Muzones to be honored

The Iloilo City Government will honor the late Ramon L. Muzones as an Ilonggo National Artist…

[Upcoming] NA Virgilio Almario to read pieces in Poetika

The organizers of Poetika in Iloilo City has announced that a special guest is attending the…

[TODAY Free Screening] Japanese Experimental Film at ILOMOCA

The SineKasimanwa and the Japan Foundation will present Japanese Classic Experimental Films starting 2:00 P.M. at…