The Making of People’s Domain – it is a project which has been placed in the backburner for years – the creation of People’s Domain online.
The banner logo of people’s domain
It is only in October this year that the was finally shaped up. It was partially completed one month after. While the site is now up and accessible (yes, you are here!), it remains as a work in progress considering the content, refinement of the site’s page make up, and the technical nitty-gritty that needs to be learned for effective site management. You will see changes gradually.
This is part of a bigger design
The was realized with the encouragement, technical assistance, and mentoring of Nonoy Taclino, who is considered as a veteran in the field of website development, blogging, and in social media engagement. Nonoy, whose legit name on his government issued ID is long and too formal, offered a generous amount of time and resources to assist me in the form of website for dummies tutorial and a face-to-face mentoring.
His inputs allowed me to take a grasp of the fundamentals that are essential for a mid-age starter in the online game like myself. We have come to love a spot at the Megaworld Festive Walk Mall for our tutorial session, and because of that, I can safely say that we have a pinch of contribution to what Megaworld reported that the property giant’s profit soared to 17% in the first nine months of 2019 alone.
Another competent person who provided a priceless technical assistance is Sheila Mae Gomez. Sheila is responsible of translating into a graphic design all of the ideas and concepts for site ID and branding – concepts that were formulated by my dear other half that were initially floating in the air. By a mere exchange of messages over chat, the concepts became a brilliant set of design package which she completed in such a brief period of time and while Sheila was on the midst of a semestral final exam being a scholar of law. I’m quite certain that it will be much difficult to receive assistance from her once she earns the title Juris Doctor.
All of the efforts that they have provided is part of the grand design of the passionate and multi-disciplinary members that compose the Iloilo Bloggers Society and that is to assist each other in professionalizing their craft by way of: first, acquiring the necessary knowledge that will help create a technical know-how in the business of online influencing; and second, so that we may become responsible and effective communicators on the web.
Thank you to Nonoy, Sheila, and colleagues at IBS. The is a completion of IBS’ shared vision for its members this 2019.
To backtrack a little bit
People’s Domain has come a long way. The byname existed as a column title that I have carried in various local newspapers for my opinion and commentaries ages ago when I was younger and a struggling writer. It has a sibling from a similar column of a colleague in the social movement which he entitled Consumer’s Domain. It appeared in another local daily.
People’s Domain and Consumer’s Domain were products of our deliberate intent to compel ourselves to write a regular column for our advocacies and the sectoral issues that we carried. It provided us a venue by which to ventilate our criticism of government systems and to highlight potential and actual impacts on people’s lives. It carried the voice of our idealism as a young Marxist activists fighting Neoliberal economic framework and different forms of injustices and oppression.
Among persons who stood as a witness of this particular episode is fellow IBS member and blogger Kathy Villalon (Kathy Purr), who served as an editor in Sun.Star-Iloilo and later on at The News Today. Both are defunct newspaper outfits.
People’s Domain and Consumer’s Domain has allowed us to deepen our understanding of the political economy and our analysis of power relations in society. The process sharpened our skills and it enriched our discipline for it pushed us to further study the subject matters that we regularly tackle on our opinion spaces and to have a healthy intellectual debate with our adversaries. For this reason, the exercise has broadened our audience reach and it allowed us to gain new supporters and friends.
Apparently, traces of this orientation continue to hold sway in some of the opinion pieces and analysis that we have written in recent times. Remnants of these materials are archived in People’s Domain; hence, it also serves as a repository of old published commentaries which were retrieved from old files and with some that were transported from an old blog site.
From that period onwards, we have meandered to other areas of interest – arts and culture, climate change, environment, governance – and we have experimented on the use of communications tools and approaches like investigative journalism, citizens journalism, development communications, and corporate communications – and so our writings have likewise evolved together with the nature of our engagements.
The presence of People’s Domain online will continue to reflect the enduring issues hounding society in the midst of an evolving technological landscape. We have embraced this online venue as an expanded arena by which we can convey our messages with the hope that new opportunities for learning will be unlocked and that our messages may serve as a backward and forward links on burning issues of the day and continue to hold its relevance among newfound audiences.
The Making of People’s Domain online
The Making of People’s Domain – it is a project which has been placed in the backburner for years – the creation of People’s Domain online.
It is only in October this year that the was finally shaped up. It was partially completed one month after. While the site is now up and accessible (yes, you are here!), it remains as a work in progress considering the content, refinement of the site’s page make up, and the technical nitty-gritty that needs to be learned for effective site management. You will see changes gradually.
This is part of a bigger design
The was realized with the encouragement, technical assistance, and mentoring of Nonoy Taclino, who is considered as a veteran in the field of website development, blogging, and in social media engagement. Nonoy, whose legit name on his government issued ID is long and too formal, offered a generous amount of time and resources to assist me in the form of website for dummies tutorial and a face-to-face mentoring.
His inputs allowed me to take a grasp of the fundamentals that are essential for a mid-age starter in the online game like myself. We have come to love a spot at the Megaworld Festive Walk Mall for our tutorial session, and because of that, I can safely say that we have a pinch of contribution to what Megaworld reported that the property giant’s profit soared to 17% in the first nine months of 2019 alone.
Another competent person who provided a priceless technical assistance is Sheila Mae Gomez. Sheila is responsible of translating into a graphic design all of the ideas and concepts for site ID and branding – concepts that were formulated by my dear other half that were initially floating in the air. By a mere exchange of messages over chat, the concepts became a brilliant set of design package which she completed in such a brief period of time and while Sheila was on the midst of a semestral final exam being a scholar of law. I’m quite certain that it will be much difficult to receive assistance from her once she earns the title Juris Doctor.
All of the efforts that they have provided is part of the grand design of the passionate and multi-disciplinary members that compose the Iloilo Bloggers Society and that is to assist each other in professionalizing their craft by way of: first, acquiring the necessary knowledge that will help create a technical know-how in the business of online influencing; and second, so that we may become responsible and effective communicators on the web.
Thank you to Nonoy, Sheila, and colleagues at IBS. The is a completion of IBS’ shared vision for its members this 2019.
To backtrack a little bit
People’s Domain has come a long way. The byname existed as a column title that I have carried in various local newspapers for my opinion and commentaries ages ago when I was younger and a struggling writer. It has a sibling from a similar column of a colleague in the social movement which he entitled Consumer’s Domain. It appeared in another local daily.
People’s Domain and Consumer’s Domain were products of our deliberate intent to compel ourselves to write a regular column for our advocacies and the sectoral issues that we carried. It provided us a venue by which to ventilate our criticism of government systems and to highlight potential and actual impacts on people’s lives. It carried the voice of our idealism as a young Marxist activists fighting Neoliberal economic framework and different forms of injustices and oppression.
Among persons who stood as a witness of this particular episode is fellow IBS member and blogger Kathy Villalon (Kathy Purr), who served as an editor in Sun.Star-Iloilo and later on at The News Today. Both are defunct newspaper outfits.
Learn more about Peoplesdomain
People’s Domain and Consumer’s Domain has allowed us to deepen our understanding of the political economy and our analysis of power relations in society. The process sharpened our skills and it enriched our discipline for it pushed us to further study the subject matters that we regularly tackle on our opinion spaces and to have a healthy intellectual debate with our adversaries. For this reason, the exercise has broadened our audience reach and it allowed us to gain new supporters and friends.
Apparently, traces of this orientation continue to hold sway in some of the opinion pieces and analysis that we have written in recent times. Remnants of these materials are archived in People’s Domain; hence, it also serves as a repository of old published commentaries which were retrieved from old files and with some that were transported from an old blog site.
From that period onwards, we have meandered to other areas of interest – arts and culture, climate change, environment, governance – and we have experimented on the use of communications tools and approaches like investigative journalism, citizens journalism, development communications, and corporate communications – and so our writings have likewise evolved together with the nature of our engagements.
The presence of People’s Domain online will continue to reflect the enduring issues hounding society in the midst of an evolving technological landscape. We have embraced this online venue as an expanded arena by which we can convey our messages with the hope that new opportunities for learning will be unlocked and that our messages may serve as a backward and forward links on burning issues of the day and continue to hold its relevance among newfound audiences.
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